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Connecting Devon and Somerset Broadband

Information about the programme to provide superfast broadband infrastructure


We act as the lead accountable body for Connecting Devon and Somerset (CDS), a local government-led broadband programme, to deliver next generation broadband infrastructure to areas where the market has failed to invest.

CDS’s ambition is to provide superfast broadband speeds of over 24 megabytes per second to all premises in the CDS area and represents the biggest public-funded broadband programme in England.

CDS activity has been supported by funding from the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport, the European Union’s European Regional Development Fund, the Heart of the South West Local Enterprise Partnership and local authorities across the region, and includes investment from commercial partners: BT, Gigaclear and Airband.

Phase one

Phase One has now been completed. CDS’s main contractor BT exceeded its contract target for this phase of the programme. During this phase, fibre optic technology was used to upgrade the existing infrastructure based on the telephone exchange and cabinet network. In some areas, fibre was brought in new network offering ultrafast speeds directly to the home.

Partner authorities for Phase One include Devon and Somerset Council, and Bath and North East Somerset, North Somerset, Torbay and Plymouth unitary authorities.

Phase Two

Phase Two of the programme is benefiting with funding from Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport and the Heart of the South West Local Enterprise Partnership, and includes £4.6 million of funding from the European Regional Development Fund as part of the European Structural and Investment Funds Growth Programme 2014 to 2020.

As well as all the authorities involved in Phase One, Somerset Council, Teignbridge and the West of England Local Enterprise Partnership have contributed towards Phase Two and the Connecting Dartmoor and Exmoor element of the project has received additional financial contributions from Dartmoor and Exmoor National Parks.

Where and when map

Details of the speeds achievable in Somerset can also be found on the site along with an interactive coverage map at Connecting Devon and Somerset.

Latest information

For the latest information about the CDS programme and the roll-out of new superfast broadband in your area, visit Connecting Devon and Somerset.

European Union’s European Regional Development Fund

Heart of the South West Local Enterprise Partnership

Last updated: August 4, 2023

Next review due: February 4, 2024

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