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Chard Community

Regeneration is not only about buildings and the built environment, the role of the community is also key.

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Regeneration is not only about buildings and the built environment, the role of the community is also key.

Get involved in the High StreetPublic Consultation

Get involved in the High Street

Community involvement is a central part of the High Street Heritage Action Zone.

​From 2021-2024, a series of community activities will engage people in local heritage, new skills and the future of the high street. This may include:

  • Guided walks and tours
  • Talks, presentations and research projects
  • Local history workshops
  • Photography projects
  • School visits
  • Exhibitions and community conversations

​Small grants funding is available to organisations with a project idea that will meet the aims and objectives of the High Street Heritage Action Zone community engagement plan.

​Apply for a small grant

To apply:

  1. Download the Chard HSHAZ Community Engagement Plan
  2. Fill in a HSHAZ Community Project Template with as much information about your idea as possible
  3. Email it to

Grant awards will be in the region of £100-£1000, with grants of up to £5000 considered on an exceptional basis.

​To be eligible, organisations must:

  • have a safeguarding policy
  • have a health and safety policy
  • have an equality policy
  • hold public liability insurance for at least £1m and other insurance policies as necessary to cover project risks
  • sign an agreement with Somerset Council/subsequent authority upon award of the grant
  • be able to complete all of the grant-funded activity by the end of March 2024.

As one of the objectives of the HSHAZ Community Engagement Plan is to build the capacity of local groups and organisations, preference will be given to organisations based in Chard.

​Preference will also be given to projects that works with the HSHAZ priority groups as listed in the Community Engagement Plan and activity that takes place in the town centre venues.

Public Consultation

Public consultation is central to the Chard Regeneration Scheme. Somerset Council regularly conducts consultations to get your views on key issues and runs surveys to ensure your feedback is an important part of our decision-making process.

There are no current consultations.

​Links to live consultations will be shared here when available.

Last updated: August 6, 2024

Next review due: February 6, 2025

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