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Celebration mile

Celebration Mile is a project to create a pedestrian priority way leading from Bridgwater train station to the Docks that will celebrate and emphasise the history of the town

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Celebration Mile is a project to create a pedestrian priority way leading from Bridgwater train station to the Docks that will celebrate and emphasise the history of the town



Celebration Mile is a project to create a pedestrian priority way leading from Bridgwater train station to the Docks that will celebrate and emphasise the history of the town.

A range of high-quality public realm improvements will aim to transform the experience for walkers along the route. The project was first identified as part of the Bridgwater Vision in 2009, where it was classed as one of seven catalyst projects considered vital for the successful regeneration of Bridgwater.

To this end, we have engaged planning consultants to come up with suggestions of how the experience for pedestrians could be improved on this important route. Their ideas are summarised in the consultation document below.

Last updated: September 4, 2023

Next review due: March 4, 2024

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