We issue licences for scaffold on the highway to accredited contractors. We also control the erection, dismantling and securing of hoardings on or over a highway.
Please note there is a fee of £111 for each 28-day period to cover administration and site inspection costs. This fee is non-refundable.
Please read the specific Schedule of Conditions (PDF 96.9KB) before completing the form.
Please provide the following information clearly allowing at least 10 working days before you wish to erect the scaffolding. Only emergency applications will be processed with less than 10 working days’ notice.
You can apply online using the buttons below.
Apply for a scaffolding licence
Important changes to the processing of licence applications
We have recently reviewed the cost of licence fees for applications to work on the highway.
The review confirmed the cost of the licence fees have not kept pace with the costs for administration.
Regrettably this is currently unsustainable. As such, the fees will be raised as detailed below.
From 1 August 2024 the following charges will apply to:
- Application for “minor works on/adjacent to the public highway” (Highways Act 1980, Section 171 Licence) – £248 (was £232)
- Application for “deposition of materials” (Highways Act 1980, Section 171 Licence) – £97 (was £50)
- Application for a vehicle crossing over footways and verges (Highways Act 1980, Section 184 Licence) – £346 (was £218)
- Application for skip license – £97 (was £65)
- Application for scaffold license – £111 (was £90)
This is based on CPI inflationary increase if 6.7% CPI and to align with administration costs
and regional charges.
If the scaffolding is still on site after the dates specified in the original permit application, you must apply and pay for a permit extension.
Apply for a scaffolding extension
Contractors can also apply to the local area highways office for an application form giving us 10 days’ notice, by either:
- downloading a copy of the Scaffold Permit Application Form and sending or taking the completed form to the local area highways office
- contacting us by telephone or
- by visiting the local area highways office and completing the form there.
A scaffold licence costs £111 per 28-day period.
For contractors – there is a fee of £40 for any additional site visits required to inspect a scaffold that does not comply with the conditions of the licence.
Application to erect a hoarding
Applications to erect a hoarding around a building site adjacent the highway are included within the Scaffolding Application form.
Advertising hoardings are not the responsibility of the Highways department. Large advertising hoardings do need planning permission which would be issued by planning, who may have details of ownership. The owner is usually the advertiser. If a damaged hoarding is causing an obstruction on the highway the relevant area highways office should be notified to arrange an inspection.
- Schedule of conditions for the control of scaffolding, hoarding or other structures on the highway (PDF 96.9KB)
- Guidance Notes – Application for a Temporary Traffic Restriction (PDF 288KB)
- SW-011 – Application Form for the use of portable traffic signals or stop/go boards (PDF 91.2KB)
- Somerset Council Highway Management Areas (PDF 296KB)