Contacts and opening times
Here are the addresses, contact details, opening times and parking information of our Register Office and all our Registration Offices in Somerset, as well as the Weston and Clevedon offices in North Somerset.
All offices operate an appointments system. Check details of the service you need on our other pages to see whether there is an online booking system in place or whether you need to phone or email for an appointment. Most of our offices don’t have a customer service team so we can’t offer a face to face drop-in booking service.
The offices which are licensed for marriage and partnership ceremonies are Taunton, Bridgwater, Shepton Mallet, Weston-super-Mare, Williton and Yeovil. Find out more about what ceremonies are available at each venue as well as other venues where we host register office style ceremonies on our dedicated wedding ceremony website.
Phone: 01823 282251