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Revive soil conditioner

Somerset’s garden waste is composted in the county and turned into Revive soil conditioner

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Somerset’s garden waste is composted in the county and turned into Revive soil conditioner

IntroductionBulk deliveries


Somerset’s garden waste is composted in the county and turned into Revive soil conditioner by our contractor Biffa.

Biffa produces two grades (0 to 15mm and 0 to 30mm) that are perfect for commercial and domestic use and meet the highest quality standards.

 You can buy and collect 40-litre bags from all Somerset recycling sites; £4.50 each or three for £12.00. Payment is accepted on Visa and MasterCard credit and debit cards, Visa Electron and Diners Club, including contactless cards. There is no delivery service for 40-litre bags.

The benefits of using Revive green waste compost in your garden include:

  • Provides a good source of natural and valuable plant nutrients and trace elements; plus, a slight liming effect due to its alkaline pH.
  • Adds valuable organic matter and improves soil fertility
  • Improves soil workability and improves soil tilth, reducing ploughing, cultivation and fuel costs particularly in clay soils
  • Improved moisture retention in light soils and drainage in clay soils
  • In mulching applications, reduces weed seed germination and also helps with weeding activities
  • Increases productivity and yields
  • Increases soil microbiology by adding important microbes
  • Adds essential carbon to the soil profile

For technical questions about the product or to get a full list of stockists, please contact the Biffa sales team on 01823 728888 or email

Bulk deliveries

Biffa or local companies can deliver any amount of loose bulk compost (half tonne minimum) across the South West directly to your home or farm.

For a delivery quote or to order in bulk more than six tonnes, email

Small bulk deliveries from one to six tonnes can be arranged by contacting:

Castle Cary area

Kevin (Wally) Watson 07989 580872
Phil Gunning (3G Transport) 07967 747450

Taunton area

Smilers Sand and Stone
The Old Quarry, Off Moon Lane, North Newton, Somerset
01278 652013 or 07860 209634 (phone in advance to order and for directions)

Wellington area

Abacus Construction
Gammon Barn, Ham, Wellington, Somerset, TA21 9JB
01823 664509 (phone in advance)

Other ways to get a delivery

One or more dumpy bags (one cubic metre which is approx. half a tonne, per bag) can be purchased and delivered to your door by the following companies:

Bradfords Builders Merchants (Taunton)
Wellington New Road, Galmington, Taunton, TA1 5LU
01823 254666

Bradfords Builders Merchants (Bridgwater)
139 Bristol Rd, Bridgwater, TA6 4AQ
01278 422654

Paull’s of Martock
Coat Road, Martock, Somerset, TA12 6EX
01935 822204

Last updated: February 13, 2025

Next review due: August 13, 2025

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