Council Tax enquiries - There may be delays in speaking to our Customer Service Team due to a high volume of calls.
You can find information about your Council Tax bill on our Your Council Tax bill explained page.

Report a missed collection

If your collection has been missed, report it here

Before reporting

Before reporting a missed bin or recycling collection, please confirm:

  • Your bin or recycling containers were out for collection by 6am.
  • Your bin or recycling box was put out on the correct day –check your collection day on our website.
  • You put the right items in the right bin or recycling box – check what goes into each container.
  • Your waste was fully contained in the bin or recycling box.
  • You are reporting this to us after 7pm on your collection day. Delays can happen because of roadworks, lorry breakdowns, crew or route changes, or other unexpected events.
  • Please check to see if your container has been tagged with a reason for non-collection.

How to report a missed collection

If you have already reported a missed collection this week and it has not been collected within two working days, we will ask you to provide the eight digit service request number.

This form has 5 and will take approximately 2 minutes to complete.


When reporting on the day of collection, real time information is used. If a collection crew has not yet visited your property, the form will ask you to submit the report after 7pm.

Reasons for non-collection of containers

  • The bin included commercial, business or industrial waste.
  • The bin was too heavy.
  • The bin included items that we do not currently collect.
  • There was too much cardboard. More than two recycling containers filled with cardboard will not be collected. Cardboard that has not been flattened will not be collected. Very large pieces should be flattened and taken to a recycling centre. Find details of your nearest recycling centre.

Reporting timescales

  • You can report missed rubbish or garden waste on the same day or up to 5 days later.
  • You can report missed recycling on the same day or up to 3 days later.

Last updated: February 28, 2025

Next review due: August 28, 2025

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