Our garden waste forms are unavailable due to a technical problem. We are working to fix this. We are also unable to access the forms for you if you phone us. Sorry for any inconvenience.

Order replacement bins and recycling containers

You can order new bins or recycling containers online if yours are lost or damaged


Replacement bin or recycling containers can be requested here:

For garden waste containers, please visit our Garden waste collections page and use the subscribe or update your subscription form to request a garden waste container.

Bins and other containers supplied by us should only be used for storing materials for collection. They are not intended to be used for any other purpose and we will not accept liability for loss or damage to items stored in supplied containers.

Recycling box lids

We do not supply lids for recycling boxes.

Please note that lids purchased from box suppliers are not interchangeable and therefore we do not supply or recommend lids for boxes or the use of box dividers.

To help with storage between collections, stretch covers are available from the All Green website or 01935 891 892.

Please remove stretch covers before putting your recycling out for collection.

  • Please be aware that we cannot accept responsibility for any damaged lost covers if they are put out for collection. We recommend that these are used for storage only, and are not left on the boxes on collection day. Collectors will return them, but we cannot guarantee they will not be lost or damaged by weather or other means.
  • We recommend boxes and covers are marked with your house number or name to reduce the risk of them getting lost or mixed up with others.
  • Only clothing and shoes need to be kept dry for collections and should be put out in plastic bags (not black sacks). It does not matter if paper, card or other materials get wet.
  • If you move, recycling boxes, food bins and refuse bins we have provided should be left behind for the next occupiers, but you may take covers you have purchased with you.
  • Please contact us to request containers at if you move to a new property where none have been left behind.
  • We cannot guarantee that new boxes will be compatible with your stretch covers.

Get extra or larger rubbish bins

We are committed to working with residents to improve recycling and reduce waste. We understand that everyone’s circumstances will be different and that this may be a challenge for some.

We provide one 180 litre black bin per household for non-recyclable waste, which is emptied once every three weeks. One black bin is suitable for most households, given the wide range of items that can now be recycled in Somerset.

If you need an extra or larger rubbish bin, you can apply for one if:

  • Five or more people live in your house.
  • Someone has a medical condition that creates more rubbish.
  • You have two or more children in nappies.

Please note: We may ask you for proof of this to support your request.

Additional bin capacity will only be authorised for households making full use of their existing weekly recycling and food waste collections. Applications are assessed on a case-by-case basis. By requesting additional capacity you are accepting that a waste officer is entitled to visit your home to check your waste needs.

If authorised, additional capacity will be provided in one of the following ways, depending on your needs:

  • Extra capacity stickers – Stick these on additional black sacks at kerbside.
  • Large bin – removal of the standard 180 litre, replaced by a larger 240 litre bin.
  • Additional bin – an extra 140 litre, 180 litre or 240 litre bin.

Please note that additional capacity will only be granted for 18 months. If you still require the bin after 18 months, you will need to reapply to keep the bin. If we do not hear from you, the bin will be removed.

Last updated: February 25, 2025

Next review due: August 25, 2025

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