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Somerset Council and The Environment Agency began working together in partnership in 2014 to produce a long-term strategic solution to reducing flood risk to Taunton and, where possible the wider catchment. This partnership was called the Taunton Strategic Flood Alleviation Improvements.

The Taunton Strategic Flood Alleviation Improvements programme of work identified three phased ‘short-term’ local intervention solutions, these were a combination of flood defences and flood storage. In February 2020, Somerset West and Taunton Full Council agreed to prioritising and committed to continued partnership working with the Environment Agency to deliver the Taunton Strategic Flood Alleviation Improvements short-term measures.

The three identified short-term measures are collectively known as Taunton Strategic Flood Alleviation Improvement Schemes, and are as follows:

The Schemes will reduce flood risk to approximately 1414 properties, including homes, businesses and community facilities, such as the police station, BT Exchange and French Weir surgery.


Somerset West and Taunton Council estimated that a single major flood could cost Taunton’s economy up to £50million. 1031 properties in Taunton are currently at risk, including homes, health centres, emergency services, North Town Primary School, electricity substations, sports facilities and much more. By 2118, with long-term climate change impacts, the number is expected to rise to 2548.

Taunton suffered major flooding in the 1960s – more than 360 homes, shops and business premises were flooded, this instigated the construction of a major flood defence scheme. This scheme has subsequently been improved over time which has prevented a similar scale of event, although there have been smaller floods or near misses on a number of occasions most notable in 2000 and 2013.

The existing flood defences within Taunton built during the late 1960s and early 1970s consisted of widening and straightening of the River Tone channel and flood defence walls being erected along various lengths in the town. This flood alleviation scheme was partially upgraded in the early 1990s, but these defences are now deteriorating. They will not provide longer term flood protection to the town, especially when considering climate change predictions for increased rainfall and flood flows.

The Taunton Strategic Flood Alleviation Improvements partnership between the Environment Agency and the former Somerset West and Taunton Council began to produce a long-term strategic solution to reducing flood risk in Taunton and the wider catchment.

The Taunton Strategic Flood Alleviation Improvements partnership’s programme of work included three phases:

Phase One Outcomes
A flood risk study, identifying:
(i) areas for improved flood defence walls in Taunton
(ii) an area for storing flood water upstream, to provide capacity for the long-term (100 years).
This study was completed in 2014. The identified solutions required major engineering work to provide the desired level of protection. The capital cost and ongoing maintenance of this was estimated to be upwards of £50million.

Phase Two Outcomes
A Project Delivery Plan with phased ‘short-term’ local intervention solutions that increase flood capacity, pending the longer-term delivery of the larger flood risk reductions identified in Phase One. The local interventions identified were a combination of flood defences and storage.

Phase Three Outcomes
The delivery of three of the short-term (0-10 years) projects identified by Somerset West and Taunton and the Environment Agency during Phase Two.

Following the identified solutions for both the long-term and short-term intervention solutions, Somerset West and Taunton Full Council endorsed the strategic long-term approach set out in the Phase Two work, as well as a commitment to continued partnership working with the Environment Agency to deliver the Taunton Strategic Flood Alleviation Improvement short term measures. The three identified The short-term measures are collectively known as the Taunton Strategic Flood Alleviation Improvement Schemes.

TTC5 - Left bank of the River Tone Flood Defences

A combination of repair, replacement or new flood defences between Frieze Hill and Town Bridge to provide reduced flood risk to key transport routes including the A3027 bridge street, A3027 Staplegrove road and the A3087 station road, and the North Town and Firepool areas of Taunton.

Please see the Left Bank of the River Tone Flood Defence (TTC5) page for more information.

TTC10 – Firepool Lockgate to Obridge Viaduct

Raising levels of the lockgates and the area around them in conjunction with creating an earthen bund defence between the canal and the river from Firepool to Obridge. This scheme aims to prevent flows entering the canal and reduces flood risk for Priorswood and Crown Industrial Estates and Bathpool.

LRM (Optimisation of Longrun Meadow attenuation)

Optimisation of the existing flood storage area at Longrun Meadow through new embankments, an inlet and outlet to remove excess water from the river and control when the water is put back into the river.

The scheme aims to reduce flood risk in Taunton town centre and further downstream including areas of North Town, Firepool, Priorswood and Crown Industrial Estates, Bathpool and benefitting tributary flows reducing flood risk in Tangier area.

Last updated: March 14, 2024

Next review due: September 14, 2024

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