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We are one of a number of councils who are vested in the responsibilities for controlling coastal erosion under the Coast Protection Act 1949. This page provides more information on these issues.

Somerset Council is a coast protection authority under the Coast Protection Act 1949, and in any sea defence role must also consider the Water Resources Act 1991, and the Land Drainage Act 1991. (The Environment Agency is the primary sea defence authority.) Coast protection authorities have two functions, regulating the protection works of others (such as landowners), and promoting their own schemes.

The Coastal Protection Act is administered by the Department of the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs and is broadly intended to allow coastal authorities to carry out capital works, whilst routine maintenance and general husbandry of the coast is regarded as a non-statutory local function. The Act makes no specific provisions for amenity or conservation works and is confined solely to defence structures. There are however numerous other regulations and European Directives that ensure environmental considerations plays a major part in the design and construction of any new scheme or maintenance works.

We administer approximately 15km of coast from the Stert Peninsula to Brean Down, and the majority of land is in private ownership. The Council has a duty to ensure that the defences that form part of that land are not compromised, in order to reduce the risk of flooding from the sea. Certain lengths of this coast have man made sea defences, such as the wall at Burnham-on-Sea. These defences are the responsibility of the Environment Agency.

If you notice any change in the coastline, change to the coastal defences, require some advice on some point related to our coastline or have a point that you feel we should know about, please contact us.

Private Development on the Coast and Changes to the Coastal Defences

If your property backs onto the coastline and you wish to modify, upgrade or renew the existing coastal defence, you will need planning permission, and permission from the Environment Agency before the works can go ahead. Please contact in writing the Environment Agency and our Development Control Manager with details of your proposals, before starting any works.

Shoreline Management Plan (No2)

The Shoreline Management Plan is a document that sets out a general strategy for coastal defence and was first produced back in 1998 and an updated version (no2) was produced in October 2010. The Shoreline Management Plan is a report which identifies and assesses the risks connected with coastal processes.

For access to the complete Shoreline Management Plan (no2) documents, which covers Sedgemoor’s coastline is available using the web link Shoreline Management Plan (no2) documents that cover Sedgemoor’s coastline.

External Coastal Management Groups

We are involved with a number of different external organisations that deal with coastal management. These are:

Last updated: February 16, 2024

Next review due: August 16, 2024

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