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All results (63)

Recurring event

ADHD Somerset, evening meet up Yeovil

Advice Surgeries


Support groups

A support group for anyone supporting children with ADHD. A place where everyone is welcome. Your child doesn’t need a diagnosis to attend.

Recurring event

Auesome Family SEND Support

Arts and crafts



SEND coffee mornings offer a supportive environment for parents or carers of SEND children to relax and talk with others. There will be information regarding local services and advice on…

Recurring event

A casual coffee morning for parents and carers of autistic children (any age and no diagnosis is required). Free event. No booking required. Boston Tea Party Taunton at 10.30am on:…

Recurring event

Brookside Academy


CIA Team


Monday 17 February 2025 – Friday 21 February 2025: A variety of indoor and outdoor activities, including arts & crafts, cooking, messy and sensory play, sports and more. There will…

Children’s Autism Outreach Team coffee mornings, start at 10am until 12pm. If you would like to attend, it is essential that you contact your Children’s Autism Outreach Team worker, to…

Children’s Autism Outreach Team  coffee mornings, start at 10am until 12pm. If you would like to attend, it is essential that you contact your Children’s Autism Outreach Team worker, to inform…

Recurring event

This is an opportunity to catch up with the CAOT team and meet other families with autistic children. Refreshments are available to purchase. The soft play sessions are open to…

The Square is the second Wednesday of the month (except holidays) from 4pm to 6pm. This session is for families known to Children’s Autism Outreach Team. If your child is…

Children’s Autism Outreach Team will meet families at the Puxton Park entrance at 11a.m. There is an entrance fee, we have a group booking which is £10 per paying person.…

Family fun at Ocean Adventurers Soft Play. Hired out exclusively to the Community Inclusion and Activity Team, so it will be a relaxed session. Refreshments available to purchase on site.…

2 games of bowling and lunch. Young people new to our service will need to attend with a parent or carer or if 1-1 support is required. For all children…

Green Goblins Games Club


CIA Team


Tabletop games including Pokemon trading card game, board games and Dungeons and Dragons roleplay games. For ages 10 or older (under 10 years old may attend when accompanied by a…

Recurring event


Arts and crafts



A youth club for people with additional needs aged between 11 and 19 years, but can go up to 25 years. Hipp!!Bones staff are very knowledgeable and experienced in the…

Recurring event

In the Mix

CIA Team



Closed youth club for young people with Special educational needs and disabilities. Monthly youth group session with a range of positive activities designed to develop skills, confidence, and social emotional…

Jolly Jumpers is the 4th Tuesday of the month from 4pm to 6pm. Only for ages up to 11-years-old. No need to book, just turn up as this session is…

Let’s Talk About SEND and Inclusion



Engagement opportunity

We are delighted to announce the second of our Let’s Talk SEND events for this year. The event will include A range of discussion tables cover hot SEND topics (including…

Recurring event

Minehead Eye

CIA Team



Bloom is a new group providing families with activities based around all sorts of art, sport or music games. It will take place at Minehead Eye every Wednesday during term…

Neroche Woodlanders


CIA Team


Seasonal Forest Activities, including identifying trees, buds and leaves and looking for animal tracks. We return for a snack or lunch and have some seasonal craft and play options with child led activities.…

Nova Sports – Football


CIA Team


Fun, inclusive football sessions on astroturf with specialist Nova coaches. For ages 10 to 18. For all children and young people in Somerset with a disability or additional needs. Grant…

Nova Sports – Hydrotherapy


CIA Team


Shared family swim sessions in warm water for young people with physical, learning or sensory disabilities. Maximum of eight people in the pool. Private hire available on request. For all…