Towns across Somerset have received numerous awards at the famous gardening competition, South West in Bloom, following the awards ceremony in Cornwall.

South West in Bloom is part of the Britain in Bloom campaign, established by the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS).

Judging for the competition took place in July when Somerset towns welcomed judges on tours of parks, gardens, green spaces and RHS’s ‘It’s Your Neighbourhood’ groups (IYNs) that had entered into the contest.

The results of this year’s competition for Somerset include:

  • Yeovil in Bloom (funded by the Town Council): GOLD – St. Bridget Cup
  • Haselbury Plucknett in Bloom: GOLD – Mary Mortimer Cup
  • Cary in Bloom: GOLD – Arye Cup
  • Glastonbury in Bloom: GOLD – Preece Cup
  • Cannington in Bloom: GOLD – Cox Cup
  • Taunton in Bloom: SILVER GILT – Tesco Cup
  • Wellington in Bloom: SILVER GILT – Portman Cup
  • Minehead in Bloom: SILVER GILT – Sargent Cup
  • Burnham-On-Sea in Bloom: SILVER GILT – Pennant Urban Town South Award

The results for the IYNs groups:

  • Yeovil achieved nine Level 5 – Outstanding Awards (top award), and two Level 4 – Thriving Awards.
  • Wellington achieved two Level 5 – Outstanding Awards and three Level 4 – Thriving Awards.
  • Taunton achieved two Level 5 – Outstanding Awards, one Level 4 – Thriving Award, and one Level 2 – Improving Award.

Other achievements include:

  • Eat Cary, Castle Cary won the Gordon Ford Trophy for Best It’s Your Neighbourhood Entry
  • Fiona Stanley, Brymore Academy won a Community Champion Award
  • Brymore Academy won the SWIB Youth Award
  • Blackmore Farm, Cannington won the Amberol Trophy for best Business floral display
  • Haselbury Plucknett In Bloom:
    • Overall winner of the Mary Mortimer Cup
    • Winner of the CPRE Environmental Award
  • Yeovil In Bloom:
    • Overall winner of the St. Bridget Cup
    • Winner of the Tourism Trophy for Best Judges Portfolio
    • Winner of the Sponsors Trophy for Best Entry (excluding Champion of Champions)
    • The Quedam Shopping Centre won a GOLD award for Business, Leisure and Tourism
    • Accepted a Community Champion Award on behalf of an individual working on one of the Yeovil In Bloom Community Projects
  • Glastonbury In Bloom
    • Overall winner the Preece Cup
    • Winner of the Sargent Trophy for outstanding effort and contribution by a Main Competition Entry
    • Winner of the Abbiss Cup for Best Horticultural Display – Municipal
    • St Benedicts School, Glastonbury came 2nd in the Denise James Art In The Landscape Trophy for best interpretation of art in the landscape
    • The Volunteer Network, Glastonbury won the Gardening for the Disabled Award

In Somerset, the Bloom initiatives are jointly managed by the town councils and Somerset Council respectively, whilst local community groups and individuals support with the design and maintenance of the floral displays and green spaces.

Cllr Federica Smith-Roberts, Lead Member for Communities, Housing and Culture, said:

What excellent results! Yet again, Somerset shines at these prestigious awards and we’re proud of everyone involved.

Council staff are devoted to maintaining our green spaces and I’m pleased that they have received the recognition that they deserve.

We’re incredibly grateful to the many town councils, community groups and volunteers for their contributions which have been vital in this joint success – thank you.

The Horticultural Team at Somerset Council are continuously seeking to expand the scheme across other towns and work more closely with individual City, Town and Parish Councils to improve their sustainability, conservation efforts and partnership working with residents and groups.

See the full results here:

A group shot of people standing in front of a table with the awards on it.

About this article

March 14, 2024

Jade Chant


Press Release